Feb 06, 2025
HIST - 291. History of Traditional Japan 3 credit(s) This course will introduce students to the history of Japan from earliest times to 1600, including the Ancient, Classical, Medieval, and Warring States eras. Traditional Japan lays the foundation needed for a richer understanding and appreciation of Early Modern and Modern Japan. Students are encouraged (though not required) to enroll in courses sequentially. Readings and discussions will focus on politics, culture, religion, and social life in premodern Japan. All readings in English. No prior knowledge of Japan necessary. Course requirements include class participation, midterm and final exams, and brief papers. This course will be offered every other year.
Prerequisite(s): HIST 101 or HIST 102 or HIST 103 or HIST 104 or HIST 105 or HIST 190 Attribute: ARTS, GLST, HNW, ILST, MULT, PNH
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