2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog, Volume 79 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Multimedia Design
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Director: Scott Foster, MFA, Assoc. Professor
Visiting Asst. Prof.: Ms. Germaine Gatewood
The multimedia design minor prepares students in academic, professional, and practical areas to work in the dynamic field of multimedia design and to pursue further studies in multimedia design. The minor and an appropriate associated major can allow significant concentration on multimedia in the creative arts, computing, or business. The minor in multimedia design requires 24 credits in a coherent variety of courses beyond the ones taken in majors related to the multimedia design. The functional skills and knowledge provided in the minor include fundamentals of art, interactive media, multimedia systems design and development, web systems development, visual and audio media production and editing, oral and written communication, working in teams, working with clients, and ethical behavior in the work environment.
Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the program, many Multimedia Design courses are cross-listed in other departments of the College. The course descriptions, including the years when they are offered and the prerequisites, can be found in the appropriate departmental section of the catalog. It is anticipated that students pursuing a Minor in Multimedia Design and students who take only selected courses without pursuing the minor will choose the MUMD number. Courses that are counted toward a student’s major may not also be counted toward the minor. The content and requirements of cross‐listed courses are not affected by which course number the student selects for registration.
ProgramsMinorCoursesMultimedia Design
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