Mar 12, 2025
SOCI - 480. Internship in Sociology 3 credit(s) This course provides field experience in community service agencies, research organizations, advocacy groups and business firms. The student will work for at least ten hours per week under the direction of a professional supervisor in the sponsoring organization. In addition, the student will meet periodically with a member of the Sociology Department faculty and will prepare a written report at the end of the internship. Only seniors and juniors with a grade point average of at least 2.75 will be eligible. No student can enroll for more than two internships during his or her college career. The senior thesis is a part of the 1-year capstone sequence. Students will write a research paper, 25-30 pages in length, addressing an area of special interest to the students. The paper will be based on original scholarly work, data collection, or an internship field study. Students should have their thesis topic selected during the fall semester of their senior year in SOCI 490 (Senior Capstone Seminar).
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing (90 hours) SOCI 101 or SOCI 120 or SOCI 130 and SOCI 304 , SOCI 306 , SOCI 390 , SOCI 490 . 12 credits in Sociology and permission of the supervising faculty member. Attribute: (ATTR: ARTS, INT)
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