Oct 15, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog, Volume 83 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog, Volume 83

Student Life

A major influence on the total development of the Siena student is the campus environment that fosters the growth of the body, mind and character of each individual. There are a wide variety of educational, social and cultural programs that provide opportunities for experiences that complement the academic program of the College and that foster the acquisition of a liberal arts education.

To assure that the campus environment remains one conducive to student development, the Code of Conduct for Students sets forth the minimal principles that should guide the behavior of all students, so that the campus serves as a place where students can pursue knowledge in an atmosphere conducive to individual growth. The Code is published in the student handbook, Siena Life. Each student is expected to obtain a copy of the current handbook and know its contents. Siena Life is also available on the web at www.siena.edu/sienalife.

Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination

Siena College does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and this part, including in admission and employment.  Questions about the application of Title IX to this institution may be referred to Siena College’s Title IX Coordinator, the Office of Civil Rights, or both.  Siena’s nondiscrimination policy, including grievance procedures, may be found on the Title IX Website.  To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination under Title IX, or for information about how to make a complaint of sex discrimination, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at the contact information listed below:

Siena College
Attn: Lois Goland, J.D.
Sarazen Student Union, room 235
Loudonville, NY 12211

Orientation for New Students and Families

Orientation is designed to acclimate new students and families to the campus environment. The orientation program consists of five-days of activities, events, and entertainment. During this program, students are moved into the residence halls, commuters are checked in at the Sarazen Student Union, and all incoming students participate in a comprehensive  introduction to the Siena community, its resources, and their peers.

Transfer students also attend the New Student Orientation program alongside their fellow transfer students. This program includes opportunities to learn more about campus services and how to access them, meet other transfer students and members of the college community.

Community Living

Siena College provides a variety of on-campus housing accommodations in Hennepin, Hines, Padua, Plassmann, Ryan, Snyder and the Townhouses. First year students are typically assigned to doubles, triples and quads in Hines, Plassmann and Ryan. Returning students will have the opportunity to select from all remaining housing in doubles, triples, quads, and 4, or 6 person townhouses.

The Community Living staff is charged with fostering a safe and healthy living environment on campus that enhances the Franciscan, Catholic, and academic mission of the college. The Director of Community Living oversees the Community Living program at Siena. The Assistant Director of Community Living coordinates educational and programming efforts. In each residence area, there is a Residence Director, a live-in professional staff member charged with the administrative responsibility for all residents and the facility. Additionally, they provide personal, social and academic guidance to assist with student concerns/development. Community Assistants are returning student leaders residing in each residential area who promote the College/Departmental mission by serving as a resource to students through programming, making referrals, and serving on duty. Friars in Residence are men who reside in each residence hall and provide support for both resident students and the Community Living staff. The Facilities staff provides a safe and clean environment for the common areas.

Student eligibility for on-campus housing is determined at the point of admission to the College. Housing spaces are allocated each year for new freshmen and, to the extent spaces remain available, for new transfer students. Acceptance of admission to the College as a resident student indicates acceptance of the offer of housing by the College.

To the extent space is available, it is expected that resident students will live in college housing and participate in a College board plan for the entire time of their enrollment at the College. Exceptions to this residency requirement include: students admitted to the college as commuters and residing within a 60 mile radius, independent students. Each year students are required to sign a housing license which is binding for one academic year (fall and spring semester) except for students graduating at the end of the fall semester, studying abroad, or entering residence for the spring semester.

If you wish to appeal the residency requirement at any time you must submit a Petition for Release form to the Director of Community Living. The appeal should be a request to be contractually released from the Housing/Food Service requirement. Reasons for appeal may include but are not limited to: particular medical health needs, changes in your personal or financial circumstances, or to review a first year freshman’s request to change to commuter status as defined by the student handbook, Siena Life.

Commuter Students

Commuting students are an important part of the Siena College life. Commuting students enjoy a vibrant and robust student experience at Siena.

Commuter Services include:

  • Enrollment in the Commuter Transition Program (CTP) and peer mentorship from a Commuter Transition Specialist.
  • Membership in the Commuter Student Association composed only of commuter students.
  • Representatives on the Student Senate and Student Events Board.

Special Activities for Non Resident Students include:

  • Specific orientation and welcome activities for commuters.
  • Monthly commuter lunches to promote engagement in campus life.
  • Campus Partner Offices (The MacDonnell Career and Internship Center, Study Abroad, etc.) invited to table & provide information to commuters.
  • Commuter Student Lounge in Snyder for socializing & studying.

Student Activities

The program of extracurricular and co-curricular activities is sufficiently varied to offer a wide appeal. There are more than 90 student organizations chartered by the Student Senate.

The Promethean, the student newspaper, Saga, the yearbook, and Pendragon, the literary magazine, provide publication opportunities. WVCR-FM, the campus radio station, provides opportunities in broadcasting, and Stage III offers experiences in acting, stage management and production.

The student activities closely aligned to academic life include, but are not limited to, the Political Science Society, the Astronomy Club, the Education Club, the History Club, Philosophy Society, the Financial Management Association, the Biology and Chemistry Clubs, and the Computer Science Club.

Siena sponsors club sports programs that compete with teams from other colleges and universities. Some of the club sports that have been offered include men’s hockey, karate, equestrian, and volleyball. The men’s club hockey team has been a fixture in postseason play in the past.

Weekend Activities
Student organizations, Community Living staff, the Damietta Cross-Cultural Center, Class Councils and the Student Events Board regularly sponsor events throughout the academic year that include on campus performances of musicians and entertainers, dances, dinners, speakers, and a variety of community social events. In addition, many of the student groups and departments host a variety of off-campus events in the surrounding communities.  The Student Activities and Leadership Development Office offers weekly events every Saturday night called Siena Night Life (SNL).

Significant activities each year include New Student Orientation, Family Weekend, Homecoming Weekend, and Sienafest.

In addition to its regular academic offerings the music program at Siena also offers opportunities for students to participate in orchestral and vocal ensembles in public performance. The Siena Chamber Orchestra and the Siena Chorus are two examples of courses offered for credit and designed with public performance as course objectives.

The Creative Arts Department cooperates with Stage III, the student theatre company, in producing musical works from the American musical theatre.

In support of extracurricular activities, the department sponsors field trips each semester to New York City arts events such as opera, ballet and Broadway shows.

The Siena Music Series and the Franciscan Chamber Orchestra bring professional musicians to the campus to present concerts and to offer workshops for students. The Music Series collaborates with other professional groups in the Capital region and has performed at the Troy Music Hall and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Student Government

Students may take an active role in campus affairs through involvement with the Student Senate, Student Events Board, the Commuter Student Association, Class Councils, or one of 90+ student organizations.

The Student Senate includes elected or appointed representatives from the classes, the commuting population and from the student body at large. The senate represents the student body with matters concerning student life on campus.

The Student Events Board consists of elected or appointed representatives and coordinates many extracurricular and co-curricular activities on campus.

The Commuter Student Association serve as the liaison body for commuter students and the Siena staff and administration. CSA strives to provide quality programming and engagement opportunities for and to advocate for the needs of commuter students.

Dining Services

Lonnstrom Dining Hall
During the academic year when the residence halls are open, Lonnstrom Dining Hall provides meals for students. A variety of meal plans are available to resident and non-resident students.

Massry Commons in Snyder Hall
Massry contains a convenience store and dining facility. The dining facility is open for to-go breakfast and for dinner, featuring a full buffet menu that accommodates the various tastes of Siena’s community. The convenience store is available to stock up on items for your living space such as toiletries, snacks and beverages.

Health Services

The Siena College Health Service provides medical care for common health problems, health maintenance and health education. Services are provided by certified nurse practitioners in collaboration with a physician consultant, and registered professional nurses. The Siena Health Service Office is located on the lower level of the MacClosky Commons Building in Townhouse Complex. Clinic hours are Monday-Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Wednesday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. while classes are in session. For more information, please contact the Health Service at (518) 783-2554.

The Sarazen Student Union

The Sarazen Student Union is the facility available for the extracurricular activities program and an area in which students can relax, socialize and study. It includes seating areas, meeting rooms, Casey’s, the Leadership Lounge, student government offices, commuter resource room, Welcome Desk, the Post Office, the Damietta Cross-Cultural Center, Community Living, Student Activities and Leadership Development Office, Saint Card Office, the Dean’s Office, and the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. The Sarazen Student Union is open daily except during academic holiday periods. Casey’s offers a coffee house, bakery, snacks, deli, beverages, and sandwiches and salads.

Motor Vehicle Registration

All vehicles must have a Siena College permit to park on campus. Students must park in designated parking spaces which are marked with white paint.  See “Siena College Traffic Rules and Regulations” for detailed information and a map. The Traffic Rules and Regulations can be found on the Siena College website under Public Safety. Resident freshmen are not permitted to have a vehicle on campus. A request for an exception to the College’s, “No Resident Freshmen with Cars Rule,” must be made directly to the Director of Public Safety. Exceptions may be granted for medical reasons (for students with recurring medical treatment needs) and/ or for employment (20 hours or more of employment per week). All resident freshmen exceptions must be approved prior to bringing a car on campus.

Registration of Motor Vehicles

  1. All eligible students must register their motor vehicle(s) with the Department of Public Safety. After completion of their online pre-registration, permit applicants must go to the Public Safety office to complete the permit process.  While at Public Safety, eligible students will be asked to present their State Department of Motor Vehicles registration and college I.D. After doing so, a parking permit will be issued. The permit must be affixed to the rear side window on the driver’s side of the vehicle.
  2. There is a registration fee required for each vehicle registered.
  3. Registering the vehicle of another student, for any reason under a false name, will be considered falsification of registration and subjects the individuals involved to a fine of $100 each and the loss of the privilege of having a vehicle on campus.
  4. Resident freshmen are prohibited from having vehicles on campus, and those found to have a vehicle being kept on campus without prior authorization are subject to a $200 fine and disciplinary action.
  5. For clarification, resident freshman students are students attending their first year of college.  A student elevated to sophomore academic status anytime during their first year at Siena will still be considered a freshman for the purpose of parking. 

Temporary Parking Permits

Temporary parking permits are issued in accordance with Siena’s Parking Rules and Regulations. Resident freshmen must obtain permission for a temporary parking permit from the Director of Public Safety, prior to bringing a vehicle to campus. Temporary permits for freshmen must meet the same qualifications as a Resident Freshmen Parking Permit (medical and employment as explained above). Temporary permits, for students other than freshmen, may be obtained 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at the Public Safety Department located on the First floor/ East wing of Hines Hall. Permits are issued to visitors and students who demonstrate need and who would otherwise be entitled to possess a regulations parking permit.

Traffic Appeals Committee

The purpose of this Committee is to hear appeals regarding tickets issued by the Department of Public Safety. The Committee consists of a member of the Administration, Siena students, and the Associate Director of Public Safety as the Chair.

Students wishing to appeal a ticket issued to them should follow the procedures outlined on the Security Department’s webpage, http://www.siena.edu/publicsafety.

All decisions of the committee are final.