Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog, Volume 82 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog, Volume 82 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Affiliation/Articulation Agreements and Cooperative Programs

Affiliation/Articulation Agreements with 2-Year Institutions

Siena College has developed affiliation agreements with Adirondack Community College, Hudson Valley Community College, and Ulster County Community College. The School of Science also has an affiliation agreement with Schenectady County Community College and SUNY-Cobleskill. Under the terms of these agreements, students who complete the programs outlined in the Community Colleges’ catalogs and maintain the standards prescribed by the Coordinator of Transfer Admissions and the Dean of the appropriate School at Siena will be admitted to the College. Under ordinary circumstances, these students will be able to complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree in two years.

The Social Work Department has articulation agreements with Hudson Valley Community College and with Schenectady County Community College, describing courses of study in their Human Services majors which will transfer into Siena’s Bachelor of Arts in Social Work program. For more information, contact the Chair of Social Work at Siena College.

SUNY Cobleskill, Siena College, and Upstate Medical University offer an eight-year continuum leading to the M.D. Degree. This program has been implemented to address the shortage of rural physicians. Contact SUNY Cobleskill for more information.

Students interested in further information about these programs should consult with the Coordinator of Transfer Admissions or the Assistant to the Dean of the appropriate School at Siena College.

Business Management Programs

Clarkson University
Siena College and the School of Business at Clarkson University have cooperated in establishing a 4/1 program that enables the student to earn the undergraduate degree and the MBA in five years. Through careful advisement, students may plan their undergraduate programs to include certain approved foundation courses that serve as preparation for graduate work in management. A Siena graduate meeting the program requirements and Clarkson’s standards for admission will be accepted into the MBA program at Clarkson. Students interested in pursuing either program should consult with the Assistant Dean in the School of Business.

Pace University Lubin School of Business - MBA
Siena College and the Lubin School of Business at Pace University have cooperated in establishing a 4/1 program that enables the student to earn the undergraduate degree and the MBA in five years. Through careful advisement, students may plan their undergraduate programs to include certain approved foundation courses that serve as preparation for graduate work in management. A Siena graduate meeting the program requirements and Lubin’s standards for admission will be accepted into the Lubin MBA Program. Students interested in pursuing such a program should consult with the Assistant Dean in the School of Business.

Pace University - MS in Information Systems
Siena College and the School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University have cooperated in establishing a 4/1 program that enables the student to earn the undergraduate degree and the MS in five years. Through careful advisement, students may plan their undergraduate programs to include certain approved foundation courses that serve as preparation for graduate work in computer science and information systems. A Siena graduate meeting the program requirements and Pace’s standards for admission will be accepted into the MS program at Pace. Students interested in pursuing such a program should consult with the Assistant Dean in the School of Business.

Rochester Institute of Technology Saunders College of Business
Siena College and Rochester Institute of Technology Saunders College of Business have established an agreement which allows qualified students who have earned a Bachelor degree to accelerate their progress through the Rochester Institute of Technology Saunders College of Business MBA program. Waiver of selected MBA common body of knowledge courses is granted based upon completion of certain undergraduate courses. Students may be able to complete the MBA program in as few as two or three academic semesters. Students interested in pursuing such a program should consult with the Assistant Dean in the School of Business.

St. John’s University
Siena College and The Peter J. Tobin College of Business at St. John’s University have cooperated in establishing a 4/1 program that enables the undergraduate accounting student to earn their undergraduate degree and the M.S. in Accountancy or M.S. in Taxation in five years. This arrangement provides the student with a background for advanced professional placement in accounting and satisfies the educational requirements for certification as a CPA in the State of New York. Through careful advisement, the student may plan their undergraduate program to include the necessary courses that serve as preparation for graduate work. A Siena graduate meeting the program requirements and St. John’s University admissions standards will be accepted into the M.S. in Accountancy or M.S. in Taxation program. Students interested in pursuing either program should consult with the Assistant Dean in the School of Business.

Université Laval
Siena College and the School of Business at Université Laval have cooperated in establishing a program that enables the student to earn an internationally recognized MBA degree. This arrangement provides the student with a unique curricular focus in international business in a bilingual environment. Depending on the specialization chosen and its format, the program can be completed in 12 to 24 months. A Siena graduate meeting the program requirements and Laval’s standards for admission will be accepted into the Laval MBA program. Students interested in pursuing such a program should consult with the Assistant Dean in the School of Business and the Center for International Programs.

University at Albany, SUNY - MBA
Siena College and the School of Business at The University at Albany, SUNY have cooperated in establishing an arrangement that enables the undergraduate student to waive up to ten credits toward The University at Albany, SUNY full-time or part-time M.B.A. program. Through careful advisement, the student may plan their undergraduate program to include the necessary courses that serve as preparation for graduate work. A Siena graduate meeting the program requirements and The University at Albany, SUNY admissions standards will be accepted into the full-time or part-time M.B.A. program. Students interested in pursuing either program should consult with the Assistant Dean in the School of Business.

MS in Professional Accountancy, MS in Accounting Information Systems, MS in Taxation
Siena College and the School of Business at The University at Albany, SUNY have cooperated in establishing a 4/1 program that enables the undergraduate accounting student to earn their undergraduate degree and the M.S. in Professional Accountancy, or M.S. in Accounting Information Systems, or M.S. in Taxation in five years. This arrangement provides the student with a background for advanced professional placement in accounting and satisfies the educational requirements for certification as a CPA in the State of New York. Through careful advisement, the student may plan their undergraduate program to include the necessary courses that serve as preparation for graduate work. A Siena graduate meeting the program requirements and The University at Albany, SUNY admissions standards will be accepted into the M.S. in Professional Accountancy, or M.S. in Accounting Information Systems, or M.S. in Taxation program. Students interested in pursuing one of these programs should consult with the Assistant Dean in the School of Business.

Healthcare Management and Law Programs

Albany Law School:  Collaborative B.A. in Health Studies / M.S.L.S. in Health Law and Health Care Compliance
Siena College and Albany Law School have cooperated in establishing a program that enables current students of Siena College’s Bachelor of Arts, Major in Health Studies, Program to pursue the Master of Science in Legal Studies (M.S.L.S.) in Health Law and Health Care Compliance. Through careful advisement, students may plan their undergraduate Health Studies program to participate; specifically, current, full-time enrolled Health Studies Majors who have completed 87 credits are eligible to apply for admission. Albany Law School will credit Siena students with up to 12 approved elective credits from Siena College towards the completion of the M.S.L.S. Siena College will credit Siena students with up to 18 credits for the completion of their B.A. in Health Studies, from pertinent, approved courses earned at Albany Law School. Students interested in pursuing this program should consult with the Director, Health Studies Program.

Clarkson University: M.B.A. in Healthcare Management (Schenectady, NY campus / Online)
Siena College and the School of Business / Graduate School at Clarkson University have cooperated in establishing a program that enables graduates of Siena College’s Bachelor of Arts, Major in Health Studies, Program to pursue the M.B.A. in Healthcare Management. Through careful advisement, students may plan their undergraduate Health Studies program to include certain approved courses that serve as preparation for graduate work in healthcare management, as well as reduce their graduate studies program with waivers of specific requirements, achieved through Siena College coursework. A Siena graduate meeting the program requirements and Clarkson’s standards for admission will be accepted into the M.B.A. in Healthcare Management  Program at Clarkson through an accelerated admissions process, as well as be considered for scholarship opportunities. Students interested in pursuing this program should consult with the Director, Health Studies Program.

Health Professions

Engineering Programs

4+1 Engineering Program with Clarkson University

The 4+1 Engineering Program enables Siena undergraduate students pursuing a B.S. in Applied Physics, Physics, Astrophysics, Environmental Science, Computer Science, Computational Physics, or Mathematics to obtain an M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering in one additional year (depending on their course load) through the Capital Region Campus (CRC) of Clarkson University.

Siena undergraduate students should declare their interest in the 4+1 Program as early as possible, but preferably no later than their sophomore year, by contacting the 4+1 Engineering Coordinator through the Siena School of Science. Regular advising will facilitate appropriate undergraduate course selection at Siena, thereby ensuring that the student is prepared to take graduate-level courses at Clarkson University in their senior year (or, in exceptional cases, as early as their junior year).

Acceptance into the 4+1 Engineering Program requires a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.85. Once accepted, students may cross-register for up to three 500-level Clarkson University graduate courses for credit in fulfillment of their undergraduate degree at Siena and their graduate degree at Clarkson University, depending upon their program of study. Students select graduate-level courses in consultation with (and subject to the approval of) the 4+1 Engineering Coordinator and the Associate-Director of Professional & Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs at Clarkson University. After graduating from Siena, students are not obligated to matriculate with Clarkson University; nevertheless, the graduate courses taken will still apply toward their B.S. degree.

3+2 Engineering Program
Siena participates with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Clarkson University, and SUNY Binghamton in a cooperative science engineering program. The program is a combined five-year sequence which leads to a B.S. degree in Applied Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Astrophysics, or Mathematics from Siena and a B.E. degree in Aeronautical, Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Industrial, Materials, Mechanical, or Nuclear Engineering at one of the three cooperating schools. (Not all of these disciplines are available at all of the engineering schools and some additional specialties and variations are available at individual institutions.)

As part of this program, a student attends Siena for the first three years and majors in applied physics, chemistry, computer science, physics, or mathematics. After successful completion of the third year of coursework, students with a clearly demonstrated potential of success in engineering and subject to the recommendation of the Dean of the School of Science, the student transfers into an engineering program at one of the cooperating institutions. Transfer to a cooperative engineering school requires a minimum GPA of 3.0; for some schools it may be higher. Upon completion of the fourth year of coursework, Siena awards a B.S. degree in the appropriate discipline. Finally, upon successful completion of the fifth year of coursework at the engineering school, the student is awarded a B.E. degree. To ensure proper course selection, all students should consult both their academic advisor and the 3+2 Engineering Coordinator at least once each semester.

A complete description of these cooperative programs, including the formal requirements, processes, and forms, can be obtained by contacting the Siena School of Science, Office of the Dean.

Law School Programs

Albany Law School
Siena College and Albany Law School have cooperated in establishing a 4/3 Early Admission Program that will accept applications from students either prior to the start of the freshman year or after the freshman year. Students admitted to the program will be guaranteed admission to Albany Law School upon attainment of their bachelor’s degree provided they have satisfied the criteria specified for remaining in the program, which include maintaining a 3.2 GPA during the first three years and a 3.3 cumulative GPA by the end of the senior year. Students interested in this program should consult with the Pre-Law Advisor, Dr. Leonard Cutler.

Siena College and Albany Law School have cooperated in establishing a unique 3/2 Early Completion  Program in which students who have accelerated and earned their baccalaureate degree at Siena in three years will be eligible for admission to the Accelerated Juris Doctor Program at Albany Law and will be able to earn their Juris Doctor degree at Albany Law in two years. New first-time freshmen must either have a 1250 SAT[M+V] or a minimum of 9 transferable college credits from H.S. to be considered for admission to this program, and all applicants  must be reviewed by the Pre-law Director of Siena College and the Dean of Admissions at Albany Law School. All accepted students must declare their major at the point of admission to Siena College, and early acceptance to Albany Law. All students in this program are expected to meet the 120 credit Bachelor degree requirement along with all major/college requirements over the three year period. All students in the program must maintain a 3.3 cumulative average and achieve a one-time score on the LSAT that is equal to or greater than the LSAT score equal to the 60th percentile for the prior year’s entering class at Albany Law School.  Students interested in this program should consult with the Pre-Law Advisor, Dr. Leonard Cutler.

Siena College and Albany Law School [ALS] have cooperated in establishing a Combined Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science [POSC] and Master of Science [MS] in Government Affairs and Advocacy [GVAA].  Currently enrolled full-time POSC majors who have completed two years of study at Siena and have earned a minimum of 87 credits and a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0, may seek approval for non-matriculated enrollment in coursework with Albany Law School’s MS GVAA program. Students who matriculate to the MS GVAA under this agreement shall be awarded a “Siena Scholar” scholarship discount which will reduce the cost of tuition for this degree program by 25% per credit hour for each course taken.  ALS also agrees to credit Siena students who earned a B or better in certain approved Siena courses as having a graduate-level component, with up to six [6] academic credits toward the completion of the Master’s degree. Students interested in this program should consult with the Pre-Law Advisor, Dr. Leonard Cutler.

Siena College and Albany Law School [ALS] have cooperated in establishing a JD/MSA in Accounting Degree.  Siena College and Albany Law school will accept the LSAT in lieu of the GRE scores for Albany Law School students. Siena College will credit ALS students up to nine [9] credits toward the requirements for completion of the MSA program for such students who have completed, earning a B or better, specific courses that are recognized in this agreement and ALS will credit law students who are in the MSA program with up to twelve [12] elective credits toward the completion of the JD degree for completion of any of the MSA program courses, earning a B or better, that may be approved by the student’s ALS faculty advisor.  ALS students who are admitted to the MSA program must complete their first year of studies at ALS before they are eligible to transfer credits toward their JD from the MSA program.  Students interested in this program should consult with the Pre-Law Advisor, Dr. Leonard Cutler.

Elizabeth Haub School of Law (Pace University Law School)
Siena College and Elizabeth Haub School of Law have cooperated in establishing a 4/3 Early Admission Program that will accept applications from students either prior to the start of the freshman year or after the freshman year. Students admitted to the program will be guaranteed admission to Pace Law School upon graduation from Siena College provided the academic standards are met. These include maintaining a 3.20 GPA during the first three years and a 155 on the LSAT. Students interested in this program should consult with the Pre-Law Advisor, Dr. Leonard Cutler.

Touro Law School
Siena College and Touro Law School have cooperated in establishing a 4/3 Early Admission Program that will accept applications from students prior to the start of their freshman year or after the freshman year. Students admitted to the program will be guaranteed admission to Touro Law School, upon graduation from Siena College and provided the academic standards are met. These include maintaining a 3.3 overall GPA during their academic tenure at Siena College. Students interested in this program should consult with the Pre-Law Advisor, Dr. Leonard Cutler.

Western New England University School of Law
Siena College and Western New England University School of Law have cooperated in establishing a 4/3 Early Admission Program that will accept applications from students prior to the start of their freshman year or after the freshman year. Students admitted to the program will be guaranteed admission to Western New England University School of Law, upon graduation from Siena College and provided the academic standards are met. These include maintaining a 3.30 GPA during the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years, achieving an established score on the LSAT, a personal interview with a professional admissions staff member, and satisfying character and fitness standards established by Western New England College of Law. Final decisions on acceptance will be made in the first semester of the student’s senior year.  Students interested in this program should consult with the Pre-Law Advisor, Dr. Leonard Cutler.

Nursing Programs

Belanger/Siena Dual Degree Nursing Program

Siena College and Belanger School of Nursing established a Dual Degree Nursing program (2017) whereby students earn both an AAS and a BS in Nursing. The students’ academic plan is a seamless progression between the two schools while living all four years at Siena College:

  • First year fully at Siena campus taking core and nursing pre-requisites.
  • Second and third year time is split between Siena and Belanger campuses. 
    • At Siena, students continue to take a course or two each semester.
    • At Belanger, students take all of your pre-licensure, lower-division nursing courses and clinicals.
  • The upper-division nursing coursework starts in the second year with Concepts of Professional Nursing Practice, Advanced Health Assessment in our new state of the art lab and which allows the opportunity to take nursing courses on the Siena campus before graduating from Belanger and taking the NCLEX RN. 
  • At the end of the 3rd year, students have earned an Associate’s degree from Belanger School of Nursing, graduate and students will sit for the NCLEX licensure exam over the summer and become a Registered Nurse.
  • During your fourth year, students are full-time on the Siena campus taking upper-division nursing courses.  Students will graduate as a Bachelors prepared nurse from Siena College.

Maria College/Siena College Dual Degree Nursing Program

Siena College and Maria College established a Dual Degree Nursing program (2019) whereby students earn both an AAS and a BS in Nursing. The students’ academic plan is a seamless progression between the two schools while living all four years at Siena College:

  • First year fully at Siena campus taking core, nursing pre-requisites and one Maria  College Nursing course.
  • Second and third year time is split between Siena and Maria campuses. 
    • At Siena, students continue to take a course or two each semester.
    • At Maria, students take all of your pre-licensure, lower-division nursing courses and clinicals.
  • The upper-division nursing coursework starts in the second year with Concepts of Professional Nursing Practice, Advanced Health Assessment in our new state of the art lab and which allows the opportunity to take nursing courses on the Siena campus before graduating from Belanger and taking the NCLEX RN. 
  • At the end of the 3rd year, students have earned an Associate’s degree from Maria College, graduate and students will sit for the NCLEX licensing exam over the summer and become a Registered Nurse.
  • During your fourth year, students are full-time on the Siena campus taking upper-division nursing courses.  Students will graduate as a Bachelors prepared nurse from Siena College.

RN to BS Nursing Program

Siena College established a RN completion program (RN to BS) in 2016. Nurses with an earned Associate Degree in Nursing and a RN license earn a Bachelor’s degree in two years full-time.  (Part-time options available). All classes are held on Wednesdays (both nursing and liberal arts).  This way, nurse can continue to work full-time. Nursing classes are hybrid and there are online options for liberal arts core coursework.

Articulation Agreements

Siena College has articulation agreements with the following schools to accept their prelicensure nursing and core coursework:

  • Belanger School of Nursing/Ellis Medicine
  • Hudson Valley Community College Nursing
  • Maria College Nursing
  • Memorial College of Nursing
  • Samaritan School of Nursing
  • SUNY Adirondack Department of Nursing
  • SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Affiliation Agreements

The nursing program at Siena college is working with many local hospitals and clinics to offer educational opportunities for our student’s clinical experience. We currently have affiliation agreements with the following healthcare agencies:

  • Adirondack Nursing Services
  • Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences/The Collaboratory
  • Albany Housing Coalition
  • Albany Medical Center Hospital
  • Albany Medical College
  • Albany OBGYN
  • American Red Cross
  • Albany Stratton VAMC
  • Capital Cardiology Associates
  • Capital City Rescue Mission
  • Capital District Psychiatric Center
  • Catholic Charities of Albany
  • Community Care Physicians
  • EDDY VNA, St. Peter’s Health Partners
  • Ellis Medicine
  • Glens Falls Hospital
  • Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless
  • New York Oncology Hematology NYOH - Albany, Hudson
  • North Colonie School District
  • Saratoga Hospital
  • Saratoga Schenectady Gastroenterology
  • Schenectady County Department of Health
  • South Colonie School District
  • St. Peter’s Health Partners
  • Visiting Nurses Association Northeast Health

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Air Force/Navy

Students who are interested in Air Force or Naval ROTC may cross-enroll in these programs through the Department of Air and Space Studies or the Department of Naval Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Details on these programs is available at http://www.rpi.edu/academics/rotc.html.

Social Work Masters Programs

As an accredited social work baccalaureate program through the Council on Social Work Education, students with strong academic performance can apply for advanced standing for Masters in Social Work (MSW) programs. Advanced standing waves up to a year off of the graduate program, and is offered by most MSW programs throughout the country.  Siena has an agreement with one MSW program offered by The College of Saint Rose which streamlines admission.  A full list of MSW programs can be found here - www.cswe.org.

Siena B.A. in Social Work Program/The College of Saint Rose Masters of Science in Social Work Program (advanced standing). The College of Saint Rose Masters of Science in Social Work Program will grant graduating seniors from the Siena College Social Work Program priority consideration for admission into the Advanced Standing Component of the M.S.W. Program, in Albany, NY. To be considered for early admission, in addition to meeting all other general admission criteria, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.2, and have a minimum grade of C or better on all required courses for Siena’s social work program. To be eligible for early admissions, applications must be submitted by December 1st. Students who apply with a recommendation from Siena Social Work Faculty will have their application fee waived.